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last update 3.25.01

site designed by Tom Varden

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Phaeton Lane


live at the Savanna

Friday, June 8th

all ages




Already there was 250 more people than law allowed in the old theatre. The fire marshal was an ominous presence.  A line of anxious people extended down the street almost a block, stirring. At the head of the line, large security members were searching each and every person.

On the wall was a sign that read, "Maximum Capacity 125." Beneath it, the man who could end this anxious scene in a moment.

At last count there was 400 now. This had to happen. There was a lot of time, work and money invested in this moment. There was an organized security team, sound engineers, journalists, ticket takers,  and T-shirt vendors. All of it lay in the balance. The money was taken, the show had not begun and it might not begin. It was tense....

There was no stopping this show. As the throng of hundreds behind me circled the theatre's old hardwood floor to the intense wall of sound, way beyond capacity,  I watched the fire marshal drive away in his official vehicle and was positive , this was a Leisureboy show.









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